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Starbucks and Bigbee Coffee chains both claim Water is key to great Coffee

Starbucks, CEO Howard Schultz under, has become a global coffeehouse chain known for its quality coffee and distinct flavor. In his book, Howard revealed that one crucial aspect of Starbucks' success lies in the water filtration process. He emphasized that the taste and consistency of their coffee heavily rely on the quality of water used. By ensuring proper filtration and removing impurities, Starbucks maintains a specific flavor profile that customers have come to love and expect.

On the other hand, Bigbee Coffee, cofounded by Michael Mcfall and Bob Fish, a Michigan-based coffee house, has garnered its own loyal following for its bold and rich flavors. While their approach may differ from Starbucks, they also recognize the significance of water in achieving their desired taste. Bigbee has developed its unique brewing methods and carefully selects water with specific mineral content to enhance the flavors of their coffee.

Both Starbucks and Bigbee Coffee demonstrate that it's not just about the coffee beans themselves, but also about the water used in the brewing process. The quality and composition of water can greatly influence the taste, aroma, and overall experience of a cup of coffee.

If you're interested in ensuring great-tasting water for your coffee or other purposes, you may consider reaching out to Hambly Water Conditioning. They specialize in water conditioning and can provide solutions to enhance the quality of your water, resulting in better-tasting beverages.

Remember, whether it's Starbucks, Bigbee, or any other coffee chain, the attention to water quality is essential in delivering a delightful and consistent flavor experience to their customers.

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