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Newago County Michigan Groundwater Summary

Newaygo County groundwater is an important natural resource that provides water for various purposes, including drinking, agriculture, and industrial use. Here are some key points about what we know:

Aquifers: Newaygo County is underlain by several aquifers, including the Saginaw Formation and the Marshall Formation. These aquifers consist of layers of sand, gravel, and other permeable materials that hold and transmit groundwater.

Water Quality: The quality of groundwater in Newaygo County is generally good. However, it is important for land owners to regularly monitor and protect it from potential contaminants such as agricultural runoff, industrial waste, and improper disposal of hazardous substances. For more information see

Water Use: Groundwater in Newaygo County is primarily used for domestic water supply, irrigation, and industrial purposes. It supports the needs of residents, agriculture, and local businesses.

Groundwater Protection: Local authorities and organizations like the City Of Newaygo Rural Water Association work together to protect and manage the county's groundwater resources. This includes recommending regulations, conducting monitoring programs, and promoting sustainable water use practices.

Challenges: Like many areas, Newaygo County faces challenges related to groundwater, such as maintaining water quality, addressing potential overuse or depletion of aquifers, and balancing competing demands for water resources.

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